1. Occupied : A guest is currently occupied in the room (Tamu masih menempati kamar)
2. Stayover : The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night (Tamu memperpanjang waktu check out, contohnya tamu hari ini check out, tapi diperpanjang 1 atau 2 hari lagi)
3. On-Change : The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and ready for sale (Tamu sudah tiba, tapi kamar belum di bersihkan dan belum siap untuk di jual)
4. Do Not Disturb (DnD/DD) : The guest has requested not to be disturbed (permintaan tamu yang tidak ingin di ganggu, biasanya tamu yang habis perjalanan jauh dan tandanya akan di gantung di pintu)
5. Cleaning in progress : Room attendant is currently cleaning this room (kamar sedang dibersihkan oleh room attendant)
6. Sleep Out (SO) : A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used (tamu yang udah check in di hotel tapi tidak tinggal di dalam hotel / tidur di luar hotel, contohnya tidur di hotel lain atau tidur di rumah teman, dll.)
7. Skipper : The guest has left the hotel without making arrangement to settle his or her account (tamu sudah tinggal dan meninggalkan hotel, tapi belum bayar)
8. Vacant and Ready: The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest (kamar sudah bersih dan siap di tempati)
9. Out of Order (OOO) : Rooms kept under out of order are not sellable and these rooms are deducted from the hotel inventory (ruangan yang tidak bisa di jual karena ada beberapa barang yang tidak dapat digunakan, ruangan ini mengurangi stock barang di hotel, contohnya lagi di renovasi, general cleaning, dll.)
10. Out of Service (OOS) : Rooms kept under out of order are not sellable and these rooms are not deducted from the hotel inventory (ruangan yang tidak bisa di jual karena ada beberapa barang yang tidak dapat digunakan, ruangan ini tidak mengurangi stock barang di hotel, seperti remote TV yang gak bisa jalan, shower gak nyala, dll.)
11. Lock Out : The room has been locked so that the guest cannot re-enter until he or she is cleared by a hotel official (ruangannya terkunci, jadi tamunya terkunci di luar dan gak bisa masuk kamar dan harus menghubungi pihak hotel untuk membuka pintu kamarnya)
12. Did Not Check Out (DNCO) : the guest made arrangements to settle his or her bills (and not a skipper), but has left without informing the front desk (tamu yang harusnya udh check out dan sudah melebihi waktu check out tapi masih tinggal di kamar tanpa memberitahu pihak hotel
13. Due Out : The room is expected to become vacant after the following guest check out (kamar yang diharapkan telah dibersihkan setelah tamu check out )
14. Check Out : The guest has settled his or her account, returned the room key, and left the hotel (tamu yang sudah membayar, mengembalikan kunci, dan meninggalkan hotel)
15. Late Check Out : The guest requested and is being allowed to check out later than the normal / standard departure time of the hotel (tamu yang harusnya check out jam 12, tapi check out nya jam 1 atau jam 2)
16. Occupied Clean : A room that is occupied by the guest, and it's clean (kamar yang di tempati tamu, dan masih bersih)
17. Occupied Dirty : A room that is occupied by the guest, but it's dirty (kamar yang di tempati tamu, tapi kotor)
18. Vacant Dirty : A room that is unoccupied, but it's dirty (kamar yang tidak di tempati, tapi kotor)
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