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Senin, 03 April 2017


Gerund is Verb + ing as a noun.
Gerund adalah Verb + ing sebagai kata benda

1. Verb + ing for active form, example : running, sleeping, swimming
1. Verb + ing untuk bentuk aktif, contohnya : running, sleeping, swimming

2. Being + V3 for passive form, example : being kissed, being sent
2. Being + V3 untuk bentuk pasif, contohnya : being kissed, being sent

3. Being + Adjective for situation, example : being ill, being lazy
3. Being + Kata Sifat untuk situasi, contohnya : being ill, being lazy

Gerund Function / Fungsi Gerund

1. As subject / Sebagai Subjek
Example : / Contoh :
a. Running along Malioboro street is my routine activity every morning
b. Distrubing the boys will make them angry
c. Being ill causes her not to go to school

2. As an object after preposition and certain Verb / sebagai objek setelah preposisi dan kata kerja tertentu
a. Preposition / Preposisi (kata depan) :
e.g on, in, at, off, of, before, after, against, etc.
Example / Contoh :
a) He is interested in learning French
b) The boy is afraid of being left alone
c) The man is clever at making tricks

b. To + Gerund for :
Object to = keberatan
Be Opposed to = menentang
Be Look(ing) foward to = mengharapkan
Be Accustomed to = terbiasa
Be Used to = terbiasa
Example / Contoh :
a. We are opposed to working overtime additional payment
b. She is looking foward to being given a prize for her success

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